Funny Pics From Minecraft Vs Reality

Where's the bottom?

Nowadays, it seems like more and more people are shopping online. It obviously has plenty of perks – not only do you not have to leave the comfort of your house, but you can also find some pretty good deals if you are lucky.

As great – and addicting – as online shopping is, there are its downsides. For example, the item you purchased may not be the size that you needed, or maybe not fit as well as you had hoped. Or, if you are like the people on this list – it may not even be remotely close to what you actually ordered.

Where's the bottom?

This girl thought she purchased the dress on the left, but when it came in the mail – it didn't quite look as elegant. Not only was the fabric not nearly as nice looking, but it also was extremely short and kind of resembled a shirt more than a dress.

Where's the bottom?

It actually looks as if whoever made it forgot to add the bottom half. Oh well, at least she might be able to use it as a shirt? Or maybe a dish rag?

Gold capris

While capri leggings are fine and all, it wasn't at all what this woman ordered. While she thought she was getting the pair of gold leggings on the left – that clearly reach the bottom of the model's long legs – she instead got some leggings that look like they were made for a child.

Gold capris

Still, she could maybe try to rock them as a pair of cropped capris – although we are hoping she just returned them and got her money back instead.

Paper dress

The dress the model is wearing is awfully elegant, with the off the shoulder sleeves and nice looking pink fabric. The dress on the right, what the customer actually received, on the other hand, is something a bit different.

Paper dress

While the style and color is somewhat the same, the fabric is so wrinkly and thin that it actually looks like it was made of paper. The look on her face just screams disappointment, and really, we don't blame her.

Green and shiny

Another customer that seemed to have fallen victim to online shopping trickery is this girl, who thought she was buying the pretty teal cocktail dress on the left. Instead, when it came in the mail, she received this wrinkly, shiny green mess that looks like something out of our worst nightmares.

Green and shiny

Well, hey, let's look on the bright side – at least she can save it for Halloween – it could make a pretty good Tinker Bell costume!

New pair of slippers

This guy shelled out $750 for a new pair of Yeezy sneakers – but instead, he got these puffy Yeezy wannabes that actually look like a comfy pair of slippers? Poor guy, he spent nearly 800 bucks on a pair of Happy Feet slipper knockoffs.

New pair of slippers

Maybe we should take this as a lesson: next time we want to spend so much on sneakers, it may be better to go to the actual store, or at least buy them from the brand's actual website – just a thought.

A bit loose

Wow, we don't even know what happened here. Clearly, this customer thought she was purchasing a Kim Kardashian-esque dress, but actually got this confusing item of clothing instead. It is so loose fitting and barely hanging on – the complete opposite of the tight-fitted dress the model is wearing.

A bit loose

While we are pretty sure she won't be going anywhere in public with this dress, at least she was able to snap a picture as a reminder to never order dresses from cheap sites ever again.

Circular disaster

When it comes to online shopping, one thing we should be especially weary of is wedding gowns – especially if the price seems much lower than it should be. No one wants to be stuck with an oddly shaped gown on their big day. This bride-to-be was probably disappointed to say the least when she finally received her dress in the mail – only to find this catastrophe instead.

Circular disaster

While the style is somewhat the same, we can't help but notice those circles on the top – isn't the point of these kind of dresses to be discreet?

Unknitted blanket

We have to face it, the oversized fluffy knitted blanket on the left seems so comfortable, we can imagine why someone would want to order it online.

Unknitted blanket

Unfortunately, this customer was let down big time when she received her package only to find a few pieces of yarn tangled up inside. Maybe they should have specified the fact that you will actually have to knit the blanket yourself – or at least left some directions in the box.

Prom ruined

When prom comes around, many girls decide to go online to find their dream dress. The only problem? If the price is too good to to be true than it probably is. Unfortunately, this girl had to find this out the hard way.

Prom ruined

While she thought she was ordering the elegant red mermaid gown on the left, she instead got this bizarre thing on the right. Not only were the shimmering sparkles replaced with giant beads, but the whole top half is weirdly shaped to say the least.

Baggy knee-highs

This woman thought she was ordering a pair of black latex leggings, but instead got these weird knee-highs on the right. Isn't the point of tights supposed to be that they are actually, you know, tight? Instead, these faux leather leggings are all baggy and just look downright bizarre.

Baggy knee-highs

Although, to be fair, they could make an okay addition to a Catwoman costume on Halloween? Or maybe they are better off in the trash – we will let the customer decide.

Long-legged teddy

When paying $100 for a giant teddy bear, one would hope that it would be as adorable as the picture. This customer thought she couldn't go wrong with this pick, especially since it seemed to have received such great reviews.

Long-legged teddy

However, when she finally received it in the mail, she was greeted with this oddly proportioned teddy instead. He is giant, yes, and he is a teddy bear, but why are his legs so outrageously long?!

Who would this fit?

This has to be one of the most hilarious and unfortunate fails on this list. When buying a cosmetic face mask, one would assume that you can't go too wrong.

Who would this fit?

However, when this woman received her item in the mail, she got this mask that is so tiny, it looks like it is made for a doll! At least she was able to use it on her forehead, although she might want to buy another few if she wants to do the rest of her face!

Not quite the same

While the outfit on the right is somewhat the same style and color as the one on the left, it still doesn't really come close.

Not quite the same

Not only are the pants way too big and awkward looking, but the top also doesn't fit and doesn't look anything like the one on the model. To be fair, this was a risky outfit choice to begin with, buying it on a sketchy website probably only added to the level of risk.

Watercolor nightmare

In yet another online prom dress fail, this woman decided to buy the watercolored chiffon gown on the left. At least, that is what she thought she was buying.

Watercolor nightmare

What came in the mail was slightly different – not only were the colors completely off, but the fabric was entirely different and not nearly as flowy and elegant as it looked in the picture. Let this be another warning to those thinking of buying prom dresses online.

Mini swing

This customer was excited to buy her baby one of those classic blue Little Tikes swings. Well, that is exactly what she got in the mail – except for the fact that it was 50 times too small and looked like it had shrunk.

Mini swing

Whether this was yet another cruel online shopping trick or they actually mistakenly bought a swing meant for a doll and not a human baby – we may never know – but either way, this is hilarious.

Tank top or mini dress?

When this guy was looking to buy a muscle tank for his days at the gym, he headed online and got a pretty good deal on this shirt. The only problem? While it does show off his muscles, it doesn't really resemble a shirt at all.

Tank top or mini dress?

Instead, it kind of looks like he is wearing his girlfriend's mini dress. Maybe he can give it to her instead? Chances are he will avoid shopping online in the future.

Almost right

When this guy saw the photo of a color-changing Christmas mug, he assumed that that would be exactly what he would get. Well, he probably didn't realize that it would be literally what he got, a mug with the exact photo of the color-changing mug on top.

Almost right

Either the seller has a wicked sense of humor or there was a mix-up somewhere along the line – either way, this is one mug that we would want to cherish forever.

What went wrong

This woman ordered a layered blue tule gown for prom, only to be greeted with this monstrous remake on the right. Not only are the colors and beading off, but the shape is so bizarre. Instead of layers of tule forming into a fluffy princess dress – the gown's bottom looks like it has a train on it, only on the front instead of the back.

What went wrong

Well, at least they tried, right? We just hope she was able to return this confusing piece of attire.

Something's missing

In what has to be one of the most hilarious online shopping fails on this list, this woman thought she was ordering this cute tropical sundress on the left. Instead, she got a dress that looked like it was missing the top and half of the bottom!

Something's missing

This looks like something that could maybe fit a child, let alone a full grown adult! At least she was able to find the humor in the situation.

Doll furniture

When buying a carpet online, it may be a good idea to check its dimensions beforehand – you know, to make sure it will fit in the room you will be using it for.

Doll furniture

In this guy's case, the problem wasn't about making sure it wouldn't be too big, but making sure it was big enough – or at least the size of a normal rug. While the carpet looks just like it does in the picture, it is also about 100 times too small.

Same but different

This girl thought she was buying the two-piece skirt and top on the left, but instead got something that looks like the original's distant cousin.

Same but different

While it is somewhat similar in its color and pattern, the top just looks like half of a long-sleeved tee-shirt that cut off and sewed on to a super short skirt in the most uncomfortable way possible. This looks like it is yet another online shopping fail if you as us.

That's not Sully

Fans of Monsters Inc. would surely appreciate this fluffy Sully onesie. And we don't blame them, not only is it cute it also looks so soft and comfortable, perfect for a wintery night in.

That's not Sully

The only problem? If you order it from the same place this girl did, it might not actually look like Sully the friendly monster and more like a creepy alien creature instead. Maybe it would have been better to stick to the Disney Store for this one.

What a bargain

If you see an iPad listed at $5 online, then chances are it isn't really an iPad – just saying. However, if you are willing to take the risk, you might be surprised with a kid's toy tablet which, to be honest, doesn't look half bad.

What a bargain

True, it may not be an iPad, but at least it isn't just an empty box – are we right? Again, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

Praise be

As prom was approaching, this brave woman decided to take a big risk and buy this all-white low-back maxi dress. It looked pretty enough on the model – so what could go wrong, right? Wrong.

Praise be

Not only did the dress not fit her as it was supposed to, it also was a complete different color – bright red. It kind of resembles something from The Handmaid's Tale as opposed to a dress one would wear to prom.

Now that's disappointing

This girl was hopeful that her Internet-purchased gown would look at least a little like the picture. Instead, it looks like a completely different dress altogether.

Now that's disappointing

Not only is the color white as opposed to the elegant creamy white seen in the original photo, but the bottom just looks like a pair of shorts under a few thin layers of tule – if we can even call it that. By the look on her face, she was disappointed to say the least.

Giving up

What is it with the circular covers?! This has to be one of the most unfortunate fails on this list. The color isn't even right, instead of a lilac purple she got off-white, but that isn't even the biggest problem here.

Giving up

While the bottom somewhat resembles the design on the model (and we are saying that loosely) it looks as if they forgot to add lace to the top so instead they just put two circular pads.

For tiny hands

To be honest, this tiny little PlayStation and remote set is awfully cute – but we have a feeling it wasn't what this guy thought he ordered – or what he actually paid for.

For tiny hands

While the bottom somewhat resembles the design on the model (and we are saying that loosely) it looks like they forgot to add lace to the top so instead they just put two circular pads.

Bedazzled gown

This poor girl is yet another victim on this list to online shopping gone wrong. She was really hoping to get the red jeweled mermaid gown on the left, but was instead left with the dress on the right that looks like it was bedazzled one too many times.

Bedazzled gown

We only hope she will learn her lesson next time she sees a gown that seems a little too good to be true on the internet.

Not even close

The only, and we mean only, thing this dress managed to get right are the colors – which are shockingly pretty similar. Aside from that, this customer's dress doesn't even remotely resemble the pretty gown on the left.

Not even close

The design literally couldn't be more different, they could have at least tried to make it somewhat similar. Not only is there no halter top, no cut out, and no slit, but it is also much shorter than the long flowing gown she was promised.

A little too low

The gown on the left and on the right may both be blue and made of lace – but that is about all they have in common. Not only does the fabric on the purchased gown look like a much cheaper version than what the model is seen wearing, but what is going on with that overly low top?

A little too low

It looks like it went from a dramatic v-cut to a what-on-Earth-is-going-on u-cut. Maybe she just has the dress on backwards?

Be my wifey

This woman thought she was ordering the cute pajama dress on the left – but instead she got something entirely different. Not only is it a completely different color and style and lacking the word 'wifey' on it, but it is also massive on her!

Be my wifey

Seriously, this doesn't even remotely match the picture of what she ordered! Still, we have to say it does look pretty comfy – although it probably wasn't the exact look she was going for.

Extra long

These have to be some of the most oddly-shaped pair of pants we have ever seen. True, high-waisted pants are meant to make your legs appear longer than they really are – but they shouldn't be too long to actually wear!

Extra long

This girl was in for a surprise when she received her newly-bought bellbottoms only to find out that they are almost longer than her whole body! The good news is, she can always get them altered at the bottom – but she might need to fix that extra-high waist as well.

Sorry about that

This is something new. When this guy thought he was buying a new pair of Beats headphones, he quickly realized he was tricked and given a pair of cheap knockoffs instead.

Sorry about that

Instead of leaving him in the dust, however, the seller actually admitted that he had scammed him out of his money, by leaving a note apologizing and explaining why he did it. To make things worse, the replacement headphones don't even work in the left ear.

More crop than top

This customer was really excited when she ordered the cute matching white and blue floral set on the left. Unfortunately, her excitement quickly dissolved as soon as she saw what she really got, a pair of super-short low-rise shorts and a crop top that is much more revealing than she had expected.

More crop than top

The look on her face truly says it all – 'I'm never ordering clothes online ever agin.' Yeah, better to be safe than sorry!

Dress or shirt?

We have to admit, the pink party dress on the left really is cute. Too bad that wasn't at all what this customer actually ordered. What came in the mail was a poorly-made ultra-mini dress that wasn't nearly as cute or flowy as was promised in the picture.

Dress or shirt?

Well hey, maybe she could wear it as a shirt instead? Chances are, this is someone who will not be a returning customer for that online shop anytime soon.

What is this? A backpack for ants?

The internet is full of things that are genuinely too good to be true. This poor grandmother thought she was ordering her grandson a stylish new backpack for his new school year. Unfortunately, what arrived was a touch too small for a person. Instead, it's the perfect size for the family cat! As far as we know, however, cats have limited uses for backpacks, especially designer brand backpacks!

What is this? A backpack for ants?

When buying online, it always pays to check the dimensions of a product before we decide to purchase.

Sad lion flowers

Nothing says I love you, or I'm thinking about you, the way a flower arrangement does. Whether it's for mother's day, a birthday, or an anniversary, they're often the perfect gift. Usually, when it comes to ordering things online, a bouquet of flowers is a safe bet. Unfortunately, that's not the case with this particular flower arrangement.

Sad lion flowers

Originally meant to resemble a cute lion, what arrived was more of a monstrosity than a fluffy animal. The picture is full and sweet, but what arrived is raggedy and, well, lacking.

Awkward cake

It's natural to want to celebrate an engagement. There's so much resting on the line when asking for a loved one's hand in marriage. Hearing them say yes? Nothing can replace that moment of joy, the surge of adrenaline, the rush of hope and love. Engagement parties to celebrate are an expected norm after such an event!

Awkward cake

However, it's always best to research the bakery one goes to get a celebratory cake, or else disaster may strike. In this case, the cupcakes don't look anything at all like the sample picture. Talk about disappointing!

Someone get that bear a sandwich

There's nothing as cute as getting one's significant other a stuffed teddy bear. Honestly, the bigger the better when it comes to stuffed toys, so this purchase seemed like a safe bet. It looks like a giant teddy that would be perfect for cuddling when we're separated from our partner. Or it could be a cute birthday present for a child, a giant teddy that they could put at the foot of the bed.

Someone get that bear a sandwich

Alas, what arrived was anything but. It looks like the shell of a bear, a stuffed animal without the stuffing.

This ain't a doll's house

Something about buying new furniture is so exciting. We get to plan out a new layout for whatever room we've chosen and think of all the fun ways we can now decorate. How disappointing to be planning to set up a new television stand for a brand new TV only to discover that the TV stand that was ordered is actually furniture for a doll's house?

This ain't a doll's house

We can only imagine how devastating that would be! We hope they were able to get their money back and had a good laugh about the mistake!

Don't gotta catch them all

By their nature, Pokemon are highly sought after collectors items. While there seems to be an endless supply of new types being added to Pokemon lore, the more recognizable names still hold plenty of appeal. This shopper was hoping to acquire an adorable Halloween-themed Bulbasaur figurine as a gift for someone fond of the cartoon character.

Don't gotta catch them all

What they got, however, bore only a slight resemblance to the popular grass Pokemon. Other than having four legs and two ears, the figurine isn't what was advertised. Perhaps that's why it has such an unnervingly sheepish smile on its face?

They're a little toothy

Veneers are becoming more and more normal and accessible in today's society. Let's be real: everyone wants to have nice teeth, but we all aren't lucky enough to be born with a perfect set of pearly whites. Veneers are a great way of getting the smile we want. However, always be cautious when ordering such a product online.

They're a little toothy

After all, a mold of our teeth should be taken to ensure the veneers fit properly. Otherwise, we may end up like this poor lad here and get a pair that are completely out of place.

Crop top that's more crop than top

We're all guilty of seeing something cute online and ordering it at one point in our lives. If we're lucky, we get just what we asked for and it fits perfectly. If we're a little unlucky, it may be a little too big or too small, but we still manage to get it to fit.

Crop top that's more crop than top

It's another story entirely when the garment arrives, and it's small enough to fit our pet cat. Yikes! It's one thing to order a crop top, and another entirely to get something that wouldn't even fit a child.

Not worth waiting for

Not only is this another example of misleading advertising, but the woman who modeled the dress on the left went on to reveal that the store had stolen the image. Worse, she revealed that she had been fighting to have the image removed, and that the dress itself came from another, more reputable company.

Not worth waiting for

Suffice it to say, the shopper herself found herself more than disappointed with what she bought. In fact, she actually paid for two different dresses, but ended up only getting this after almost a month's long wait.

That's misleading

Decorating our homes is an opportunity for self-expression, and a means to leave a mark on where we live. Wall tapestries, for example, can transform the look of a whole room. This person had a friend who hoped to gift him what was meant to be a striking tapestry large enough to cover a whole wall. What he got?

That's misleading

Well, it was at least large enough to act as a snazzy bandana. We're not sure how that happens. Still, there's always a silver lining. At least he has a new accessory.

Blond, blind, same thing, right?

Now, we're all guilty of the occasional typo or overlooking a bad autocorrect on our phones now and again. When we're in a hurry, it's easy enough to do. However, when ordering a cake for our daughter's graduation, it pays to pay attention. In this case, the mother made a simple mistake, typing out blind instead of blond, and the cake she ordered reflected that mistake accordingly.

Blond, blind, same thing, right?

Now, it's still a cute cake, but it completely changes the meaning. Funny what one little letter can do!

A few missing parts

Impulse shopping can be fun, and often brings things into our lives that offer up a lot of joy. However, it's still probably a good idea to exercise caution if you're buying items while under the influence. According to this shopper's husband, his wife regularly buys things advertised to her while she's "wine drunk." In this instance, it was a bright green cactus cat scratcher.

A few missing parts

Unfortunately, what arrived two months later looked nothing like the illustrative picture. Instead, this couple received some green rope without any wood or even instructions.

It's still romantic…sorta

Romantic gestures are part of most relationships. Whether it's to celebrate an anniversary, a promotion, a birthday, or just because we love our significant other, it's a nice thing to do. Planning can be fun, or tedious, depending on who we are. However, no matter what, it always pays to do proper research when ordering decorations online.

It's still romantic…sorta

The least we should do is look at photos that other people who have actually purchased the item have posted. This way, we know if we order heart balloons, we're not actually getting balloons that look more like a cat.

At least it fit someone

Buying clothing online is a veritable minefield. For every success you score, you may be just as likely to order something that is anything but what you imagined. As you can see here, this shopper was hoping for a frilly boho-style dress. While the dress itself might resemble what was promised, its size is far from what could have been expected.

At least it fit someone

Rather than a human-sized dress, it appears to have been designed for a small child. At least this cute puppy is dressed to impress, and definitely ready for a selfie or two.

Is that the 8-bit version?

Sometimes, we want our kitchens to look fancy. There's nothing quite like making where we cook feel as luxurious as possible. It's the little things that can make all the difference. Unfortunately, this person thought they were getting a beautiful cutting board that might even double as a charcuterie board with how stunning it looked.

Is that the 8-bit version?

What arrived was anything but! Instead, they got something that looked Frankensteined together by someone still learning how to woodwork! Not exactly the display piece they were hoping to get to spruce up the kitchen.

The Great Wave off Disappointment

The college experience is often a chance for young adults to live life on their own terms for the first time. Decorating their dorm rooms and tapestries are one of the most common things that students begin with. Now, The Great Wave off Kanagawa is one of the most iconic Japanese paintings, and has been used in many tapestries.

The Great Wave off Disappointment

When this person purchased it online they were probably expecting the famous painting. We can't even imagine how surprised they must've been to find out that the entire wave was made of pugs. Cute!

Not so romantic after all

It can be really hard to find gifts to impress your significant other. There is a new trend on the Internet where people will have their faces photoshopped on items of clothing or pillows as a gift for anniversaries and birthdays.

Not so romantic after all

This guy probably thought it would be romantic to give his girlfriend a pillow made out of his face. Just imagine how disappointed he must've been when he actually received it in the mail. As they say, reality is often disappointing.

A chair for her pencil and eraser

Buying online is pretty quick and convenient these days. But, there's still some things you might want to actually go to the store and buy. You know, things like a chair?

A chair for her pencil and eraser

This woman certainly learned her lesson, because she was expecting a full-size chair, yet the only thing capable of sitting on this one would be something small, like a pencil. We've got to admit that it would actually make for a pretty neat piece of stationary on anyone's desk. This way, he will also never forget her lesson.

Fifty shades of extreme disappointment

The famous book Fifty Shades of Grey has been a global phenomenon. It flew off of bookshelves as quickly as it came to the stores. We are sure this person must have been really excited when they thought they found a deal for the book online at a cut-rate price.

Fifty shades of extreme disappointment

How disappointed do you think they must have been when they found out that it was actually just 50 gradients of the color gray? Might just have been cheaper to buy the book full price. It is still really funny though.

We hope she got a refund

If your favorite musician has just launched a fashion line, you are going to be really excited to try it out. This woman bought a choker necklace that was designed by the famous pop musician Halsey. It was advertised as reading "hopeless" but when they received it in the mail, the P was missing.

We hope she got a refund

Now we are not allowed to tell you just exactly what that means but any adult can probably figure out exactly why this is just so ludicrously funny. We hope she got a refund for this one.

The dojo of mega disappointment

Now we are in no way implying that cheap automatically implies bad or defective. However, there are some things you might not want to cheap out on. Like exercise equipment. This person ordered a punching bag from China, and it was so bad in quality that the whole thing broke within just a couple of punches.

The dojo of mega disappointment

Not only that, but it created an enormous amount of mess in their house. At least the customer can send the picture to their friends and tell them how strong they are.

The biggest scale of disappointment

One of the biggest issues with hunting for bargains online, especially for household items, is making sure that their dimensions are according to what we are trying to buy.

The biggest scale of disappointment

Often the item ends up being too big or too small. This woman decided to buy a rating scale online and it turns out that it was smaller than her finger. Maybe this can just be a little miniature gift for herself to remember never to buy these things online again. It is pretty cute though.

Equally funny and disappointing

When you buy shoes online, it is standard practice for them to arrive with paper spacers inside them. It is used to help the shoes retain their shape. However, this person didn't have the best of luck, and was in for an enormous shock when the shoes that they ordered online came not with spaces but underwear.

Equally funny and disappointing

That is just so disgusting, especially if you think about the hygiene implications. We doubt if they will ever wear those shoes.

Nowhere near life sized

When buying things online, it is really important to make sure that the dimensions are according to what you are looking for. This kid's parents decided to order a life-sized plush toy for their son. We can't even imagine how disappointed they must have been when they saw that it was nowhere near life-size.

Nowhere near life sized

On the plus side, it does look like the child is having some fun with it though. And it made us laugh, we always appreciate that. The kid's smile is pretty priceless.

At least he got a gift card

Most of these items end up disappointing due to misrepresentations. However, this person received something completely different compared to what they had originally ordered.

At least he got a gift card

They had placed an order from a popular department store and instead of receiving clothes, they received an entire package filled with security tags and a $60 gift card. The gift card is in no way a decent compensation for what this person must have felt. Someone is getting fired for this.

Even the dog is majorly disappointed

People often buy cute costumes for their pets. This person decided to buy a dog costume for their dog and, instead of receiving what they had been advertised, they received this thing.

Even the dog is majorly disappointed

We call it this thing because it defies explanation. Even the dog looks extremely disappointed and uncomfortable inside it. Still, we must admit that the dog's expression is ridiculously cute. In terms of Internet points, this one was completely worth it. Just look at those eyes!

They forgot to fulfil his actual order

This one is just so hilarious that we don't even know where to get started. The person bought a guitar pick from China with the symbol of their favorite band. Companies typically place some sort of placeholder text on their items before printing out the customer's request.

They forgot to fulfil his actual order

Unfortunately for this person, the company forgot and his guitar pick simply says "sample text." The person was probably not too amused, but we are loving this mixup.

Tiniest chair in the whole wide world?

This person decided to buy a couple of chairs online for their living room, but, as you can see; they came in a miniature scale. While this is still really funny, we hope that the person did not spend too much money on them.

Tiniest chair in the whole wide world?

On the other hand, if the chairs were surprisingly cheap, then that is the sign that this person missed. Just what exactly do they plan to do with these chairs? And who even buys them in the first place?

Miniature cards cause major nightmare

Now, there are definitely some things you do not want to risk buying online. But you would think that buying a pack of playing cards would be safe right? As this person will discover, nothing is safe and as advertised when buying online.

Miniature cards cause major nightmare

As you can see, these cards are so tiny that they are even smaller than just the half size of his comp. Maybe it is just something to put on display and show off at dinner parties? Of course the person must have been annoyed, but we are loving it.

Footwear for a giant

Yeezys are known for being rather expensive, so we assume that this user found them at a suspiciously convenient price online and just went for it. However, he probably forgot to specify the size of the sneakers to the seller, because look what he got!

Footwear for a giant

To be honest, we're as surprised as you are. Still, the guy seems to be looking at the fun side of the situation, so good for him. If we were him, we would go out and flex our amazing new life-size sneakers to our friends.


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